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Represent CGH in Our Communities...
Walk or Run in Local Events!

As part of our commitment to health and wellness, and to involve employees in representing CGH in our communities,

we will reimburse staff members for participating and/or forming teams to walk or run in local events. 

Some guidelines to follow: 

  • Races must be in the local five-county CGH service area and pre-approved by Marketing before registering for an event.

  • You must register and pay for the event, then you will be reimbursed. Race entry fees are reimbursable to a maximum of $20 per event. 

  • We will reimburse a maximum of three events per employee, per fiscal year. 

  • Only the entry fees for CGH employees will be reimbursed, even though we encourage your family and friends to participate too! 

  • The event must benefit a school or non-profit organization, not an individual. 

  • Take a photo so we can post it on Facebook and Twitter (#TeamCGHMC) and cheer you on! 

Thanks for representing us and have fun!
For questions and reimbursement, please contact Dana McCoy (ext. 4580) in the Marketing Dept. 

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